Park Guell This dazzling Park took 14 years to complete. Time well spent. This landscape may be one of the most unique pieces of Antonio gaudis works. Fifteen hectares of artistry spread through two properties, Can Muntaner de Dalt and Can Coll i Pujol. The entire park is surrounded by a wall which is crowned by undulating ceramic trencadis. Inside these walls are three kilometers of road for cars and pedestrians. |
The Double Stairway
A large double stairway made of two symmetrical flights is located across from the entrances, being the first wonder of the park once entering. The two flights meet at a landing which leads to the Sala Hipostila and the Greek theatre. Separating the stairs are three islands. The first is a cavern like recess, the second is a reptile head protruding from a medallion with the flag of Catalona, and the third is in the form od a multicolored dragon. On each side of the stairway ate two mosaic designs. One which is covered in ceramic and the other with clear white ceramic which were constructed beforehand on heaving moulds of mortar.
The Benches
This structure surrounds the Greek theatre which is a long stretch of open level ground that rests on the Sala Hipostila and the mountain. The beautifully designed, curvaceous bench is placed on the side nearest the sea and at the area used for walking which is located near the mountain. The curves of the benches are based on the columns that support it and natural form which gaudi involves in all of his works. They are covered in beautiful mosaic of dancing colors that cause the viewer to refrain from sitting and admire the work. |
Environmental Respect
Because this park was constructed on a mountain which had scarce vegetation Gaudi wanted to cooperate with this. He commanded that an indigenous natural area be created. This would be based on Mediterranean plants which are stronger and require less water and maintenance. When gaudi had seen a topographic map of the area he noticed that many leveling and embankments, which were necessary to build roads, would ruin the beauty of the land. Due to this fact he designed the distinguished viaducts which preserve the mountains natural shape. The absolute respect to the natural environment that was born in gaudi as a child has made the Guell Park an extrodinary example of environmental friendly land development. The use of recycling in the making of the mosaic and ceramic from factory waste add to the environmental respect of the design of Park Guell. |